Organizations & Non-Profits
This information can change at any time with current circumstances. Please call ahead.
Adult Day Health Care of Mad River: “At this time Adult Day Health Care of Mad River is closed due to corona virus precautions. This closure will last at least two weeks and possibly longer as we work with a very vulnerable population of seniors and adults with disabilities.”
Boys & Girls Club of the Redwoods: All sites closed 3/17-3/27. Administrative offices open M-F 9-5:30. 707-441-1030.
Boy Scouts of America, Troop 99: Meetings and events cancelled until further notice.
Dow’s Prairie Grange: March Breakfast and Flea Market has been cancelled
Friends of the McKinleyville Library: March board meeting cancelled
****All Humboldt County Library Branches are closed through March 31st****
McKinleyville Community Services District (MCSD): Please only visit the office for essential business. Consider paying bills online and utilizing the drop box for all other payments. Call 839-3251 or email [email protected] for any questions.
MCSD Parks & Recreation: All March programs are cancelled. Tot-letics and PeeWee Basketball dates have been pushed back. Future programs are being planned, but will be cancelled and postponed as necessary.
McKinleyville Family Resource Center: We have made some modifications to our services to protect the health of our community and our staff.
- Our lobby is currently closed to the public, but our phones are open. (707)840-0905.
- Drive up pantry: We are now offering car side service to all food pantry customers. Call for an appointment.
- Resource and referral: We will continue to offer these services over the phone.
- Groups: All groups are cancelled.
- Thank you for your understanding. Take care of each other!
McKinleyville Municipal Advisory Committee: March Meeting cancelled